Classoos Features

Explore the powerful features that enable you to buy, enhance
and share online textbooks

2-Day trial on selected titles (pro)

Not sure if digital books from Classoos is for you? Try classoos and our textbooks before you make a decision.

Access free books and textbooks

Hundreds of English Classics such as Dickens and Shakespeare are available at no additional charge.

Buy online textbooks for yourself

Spare the weight on your back and enjoy our textbooks reader features. Project the textbook so all students see it clearly.

Buy textbooks for your students (pro)

Classoos makes it easy to allocate textbooks for your students whether you need 4 copies or 400!

Textbooks available offline

Download your textbooks to the Classoos app and there is no need for an internet connection.

Advanced textbook reader

Add bookmarks, highlights, notes and links to videos and websites; Let Classoos read the text aloud for you; and invert the colours of the textbooks if you want as well.

Enhance your textbooks

Make great textbooks even greater with highlights, notes, links and media.

Share notes, links and media (pro)

Not only you can enhance your own copy of a textbook, but you can enhance your students’ copies too!

Upload & Share your learning resources (pro)

Use Classoos to store your learning resources and send them to your students or colleagues.

Build school’s resources hub (pro)

Upload teachers’ learning resources to Classoos and share them between staff and with students.

Email support

Drop us an email whenever you need help and we will be happy to assist you.

Phone support (pro)

Give us a call if you need immediate help and we will guide you through to solve your issue.

Integration with school's MIS (pro)

Keep everything organised and worry less about changes with students and study groups by integrating classoos with the school’s MIS.

Pay by card

Use a debit or credit card and get instant access to your chosen books

Pay by school order (pro)

Use a school purchase order and we will invoice you

Features compared

Start enjoying the benefits of online textbooks with Classoos Pro

Get started with Classoos Pro
  • Free
  • Classoos Pro
FreeClassoos Pro
Buy textbooks for your students
Share notes, links and media
Upload & Share your learning resources
Build school’s resources hub
Integration with school's MIS
Pay with a school order
Phone support
Unlimited free trials on selected textbooks
Access free books and textbooks
Buy online textbooks for yourself
Textbooks available offline
Must use Classoos app
Advanced textbook reader
Enhance your textbooks
Email support
Pay by card
Get startedGet started




Buy textbooks for your students

Share notes, links and media

Upload & Share your learning resources

Build school’s resources hub

Phone support

Integration with school’s MIS

Pay with a school order

Unlimited free trials on selected textbooks

Access free books and textbooks

Buy online textbooks for yourself

Textbooks available offline

Advanced textbook reader

Enhance your textbooks

Email support

Pay by card